Thursday, July 29, 2010

Monocerus (2008) – Watch english movie online

Monocerus (2008) – Watch english movie online


Directed by: Adam Martin
Genre: Adventure, Drama
Cast: Caroline Elgert, Braeden Kennedy, Russell Woron-Simons, Jennifer Tuttle, Tony Dadika and others.

Watch full movie online

Story Line:

Sarah Good is a 14 year old American girl who is a talented show jumper. She suddenly loses control of her horse at a show, and badly injures herself. Sarah herself knows why she fell. In the middle of her jump she had a vision of the ground opening up and swallowing her. At the same time an old lady is put to rest in a far country in the north. The Norwegian woman, Gudrun Schillingmeyer, has lived a long and colored life. Now she follows her daughter Svanhild to a final resting place. Watch the movie to find What is the connection with Sarah’s fear of horses? Sarah knows that she has to get back on her horse, but how?

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